Give yourself and your family the best chance you can of a happier future.

Choose a happier future - separate or divorce with dignity.

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Divorce scotland
Amicable separation divorce scotland

Consensus Collaboration Scotland offers you a non-confrontational approach to agreeing the legal, financial and practical arrangements for your separation and divorce. It’s less adversarial, with no court battle, and more focused on positive solutions.

Separation divorce Scotland

Our collaborative approach will enable you to reach a good agreement together through supported discussions and will help you:

Minimise the conflict in your separation or divorce.

Reduce the emotional damage of your separation or divorce.

Protect your children.

Lessen the stress that you feel as you go through the process.

Retain your dignity, integrity and respect. Ensure everyone has a better outcome.

Make good financial choices for your future. Retain control over decision-making.

Separation and divorce can be a painful, stressful experience which may continue to have a damaging effect on you and your family’s emotional and financial wellbeing years later.

But there’s a better way. The collaborative way.

Consensus Scotland Placeholder




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